Role of Nutrition and Exercise in Addiction Recovery

by | May 31, 2024 | 0 comments

No one can deny the importance of nutrition and exercise in a healthy lifestyle. But the real question is, how do they help in addiction recovery?

Our body relies on nutrition and minerals to function mentally and physically, and if they do not meet the demand, the chances of developing several diseases are high. Unfortunately, once a person starts consuming substances, their body becomes unhealthy and unfit, and getting the proper amount of nutrition and minerals becomes difficult. Let’s delve into the article to have an understanding of the role of Nutrition and Exercise in Addiction Recovery:

The Importance of Nutrition and Exercise

Nutrition plays an important role when it comes to addiction recovery if you want to recover effectively and want to be fit. There is a psychological and neurological connection when it comes to recovery. Suppose you eat a good amount of nutrition through healthy food and indulge yourself in regular exercise, and then the body starts to show positive signs. If you feel good, you automatically begin to adopt that healthy habit. Even though you have many things going on around you, if your body gives a positive sign, this becomes the source of pleasure that changes the person’s lifestyle. Here are some of the positive signs of nutrition and exercise in the body-

  • Aids in physical recovery
  • Boost the immune system
  • Improve overall mood and health
  • Aids in weight management
  • Constructs an outlet for energy and emotional well being
  • Foster both physical and mental resilience

Essential Nutrients for Recovery

Here are some of the essential items that can help in recovery better-

  • High fiber- includes plenty of complex carbohydrates, including whole grains, vegetables, peas, and beans. These primary energy sources support neurotransmitter function, reduce cravings, and enhance mood.
  • Some sources include Amino acids- animal protein, beef, poultry, eggs, fruits, berries, quinoa, tofu, and rice protein.
  • Dietary fat- The body needs a healthy source of natural fat, as this helps to encourage neuroplasticity. It also reduces inflammation in the brain and boosts cell membrane health. Olive oil, nuts, etc., are some of the sources.
  • Omegas- omega-3 and omega-6- help repair the body faster and improve the brain’s function. You can include salmon, mackerel, tuna, flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, etc.

What exercise and physical activities are effective?

Many studies suggest that if someone is dealing with stress and depression, then exercise might be the way to manage the triggering points. But those who don’t do physical activities start to be inclined towards substance. This direction stated that exercise is better to distract the mind from unnecessary issues.

There are various exercises that are recommended-

1. Walking

  • This is ideal for beginners, as it has a low impact and minimizes strain on the body.
  • Highly recommended for those who have low energy.

You can easily do it without excessive fatigue.

2. Running

  • This helps increase heart rate, which helps train the heart muscle and improves heart health.
  • This has significant cardiovascular benefits.

3. Hiking

  • It helps improve overall physical fitness and also helps provide mindfulness.
  • By connecting with nature, you can overcome mental health issues.

4. Swimming

  • Swimming helps offer a full-body workout, and it is easy on joints and muscles.
  • Enhances cardiovascular health.

5. Yoga

  • Offer flexibility and helps to relax muscles.
  • It helps reduce stress levels and provides clarity to the mind.
  • This is one of the most effective ways to meditate and provide mindfulness and relaxation to the mind and body from stress.

6. Weightlifting

  • If you want to enhance the strength of the body and strengthen your joints, weightlifting is one of the best options.
  • Once you accomplish smaller goals through lifting, you will feel motivated.
  • Offer a sense of accomplishment.

7. Team sport

  • Team sports help with interaction with others and working as a team to reach a goal.
  • It promotes healthy competition and enhances adherence to exercise routines.

How does addiction affect nutrition and health?

Irregular eating patterns

Due to addiction, people started to adopt unhealthy and irregular eating patterns. Research has stated that people who consume alcohol are likely to increase their intake of unhealthy food by 30%. Excessive caloric intake result in obesity and several other issues like high blood pressure and high cholesterol which is a direct result of malnutrition. On the other side, opiates can cause anorexia, which results in decreased food consumption. Apart from that, it also increases the risk of infection and decreases gastrointestinal motility.

Damage to the functions of the body

Substances have a direct influence on the body. For example; opioids damage the functions of the body and metabolize food. Those who continuously consume substances majorly face issues like constipation, weight loss, or gain, and this is because substances reduce the stomach lining.

Affects ability to absorb nutrition

Due to the consumption of alcohol, the body starts to restrict itself from consuming the essential nutrients for the body. Blockages happen because the substances damage certain body processes. You must have heard that, due to excessive consumption of alcohol, the tendency of the person to remember decreases. This is one of the biggest examples of addiction’s impact on health. Substances temporarily block the transfer of memories from short or long-term storage. Moreover, experts believe that alcohol-related dementia is majorly caused by thiamine deficiency (also known as Vitamin B1 deficiency).

Tips for better recovery

Here are some of the tips you can choose during recovery.

During detox:

  • Balanced nutrition can help enhance mood and health.
  • Have regular meals: eat three meals and snacks to regulate the metabolism and hunger.
  • Appetite issues: supplements might be worth considering if you’re struggling with appetite issues. However, always consult with your doctor before making any changes to your diet.
  • Avoid new addiction: it is essential to be mindful of what you are considering to eat or drink.
  • Vitamins: Magnesium, vitamins, zinc, fiber, and iron-rich food items such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc., need to be considered.
  • Physical activities: Indulging in minimum daily physical activities, like walking with family, etc.

Food craving:

  • Don’t skip meals, as this can increase food cravings, which can lead to unhealthy food consumption.
  • Eat food until you feel satisfied.
  • There are several alternatives to unhealthy food items. For example, try drinking fresh juices rather than soft drinks such as Coca-Cola.
  • It is always recommended to do regular physical activities. If you feel too shy to join the gym, either you can book a trainer, or there are several online classes available and several videos to get help.

Weight gain or loss:

  • You must notice that your body has changed once you start drinking, so it’s time to do something. It is good to eat when you feel hungry.
  • During the detox journey, your doctors must have prescribed a well-balanced diet plant to manage your health.
  • Avoid consuming sodas, as this is neither good for weight loss nor weight gain.
  • Indulge in regular physical activities.