Family Dynamics and Support in Marijuana Addiction Recovery

by | Jun 18, 2024 | 0 comments

Marijuana addiction is as real as any other substance addiction!

If you or any relatives are involved in substance use, you are among the tens of millions of Americans fighting the battle. Close to 38 million adolescents and adults are active users of illicit drugs, and 29.5 million people 12 and over suffer from Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). With so many people throughout the U.S. impacted by substance use, there is no reason to feel isolated or embarrassed if your family is affected as well.

This article will provide you an insight into the role of family and family therapy in marijuana addiction recovery.

Family Therapy in Marijuana Addiction Treatment

Family therapy is termed to be the pivotal component to assist in recovering from Marijuana addiction treatment. It not only helps in addressing the individual struggling with addiction problems but also the familial dynamics that contribute to or are affected by the disorder. Marijuana addiction is denoted as a compulsive need to consume it without considering its negative consequences. The desire for control is difficult, leading to various physical and mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, cognitive impairments, and respiratory problems.

The onset of marijuana addiction is often rooted in a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Stress, peer pressure, trauma, and other mental health disorders frequently co-occur with substance use disorders, creating a complex web of causality and maintenance that is challenging to unravel.

Role of Family

Family plays an essential role in the individual recovering from marijuana addiction. Firstly, communication, family dynamics, relationships, and support systems contribute to the development and perpetuation of addiction. Moreover, it also acts as a powerful source in the recovery process that offers stability and emotional support and strengthens an individual’s motivation.

Here, family therapy comes into existence, where the family unit is involved in the treatment for their recovery. The principle followed under family therapy is that addiction affects not only an individual, it hampers the entire family. Thus, the family should be engaged in the recovery process to foster a supportive environment conducive to recovery.

There are several approaches to family therapy, including Structural Family Therapy, Bowenian Family Therapy, and Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT), among others. These approaches vary in techniques and theoretical underpinnings but share the common goal of enhancing family functioning and supporting the individual’s recovery journey.

Let’s explore the key benefits of family therapy-

Communication—Family therapy is initiated in an open communication environment among family members. It ensures they express their emotions, concerns, and feelings constructively to reduce misunderstandings. A base is established among the addicted individual to communicate his feelings and have a supportive environment openly. 

Awareness and education– Education is imparted to the family members to make them understand the nature and impact of marijuana. It is meant to generate awareness for shifting perceptions, reducing the stigma within the family, and stopping blaming.

Enhancement in support system– An individual’s recovery efforts can be easily bolstered by a supportive family. Family therapy ensures an individual learns about establishing boundaries, provides adequate support, and avoids occurring behavior. Family supports an individual to stay away from the activities or occurrences that could lead them towards marijuana addiction.

Relapse prevention– Family therapy enables families to be equipped with strategies that could help in preventing their relapse situation. It also ensures that individuals can easily cope with the triggers and that the risk of relapse can be minimized.

Emotional healing– The emotional toll of addiction on family members can be profound. Therapy provides a space for emotional healing, helping family members process their feelings and develop resilience.

Family Therapy Approaches in Practice-

Multidimensional family therapy- also known as MDFT, is particularly beneficial for adolescents prone to marijuana addiction. It focuses on improving the central four domains that contribute largely to the behavioral patterns of youth. The factors are 

 1) The youth

 2) The parents

 3) The family

 4) The community (peers, school ,etc.)

Its goal is to improve the functioning of youth with all four domains for reducing the problems of substance misuse and problem behavior.

Structural family therapy— This therapy involves interaction among family members, with an improvement in their communication to encourage adjustment that governs the functioning of the family. It analyses the family members’ patterns so that changes can be promoted for adaptive ways of functioning.

Behavioral family therapy- Behavioral family therapy is meant to modify the communication or interactions held in the family to manage and deal with the addict’s expectations. Interactions are carried out between people to clean expectations, adopt positive behavior, and enhance problem-solving skills.

Bowenian family therapy: Autonomy and family connection are maintained with the help of Bowenian family therapy. It emphasizes the understanding developed for regulating generational patterns and their roles. The emotional connection enables the individual to differentiate themselves from unhealthy dynamics.

As family therapy is effective for individuals addicted to marijuana but is not always helpful. Several families resist or are in denial mode for the addiction in the family. Thus, the therapist needs to understand the challenge and take corrective action to resolve it. Family therapy fosters improved communication, education, support, and conflict resolution, creating an environment that enhances the likelihood of sustained recovery.

Rebuilding Trust and Healing Relationships After Marijuana Addiction

Overcoming marijuana addiction or any substance use is a monumental achievement, as normal life is led by an individual. The journey is not all over getting recovered as it is beyond the cessation of marijuana consumption. The most critical aspect affected during the journey is rebuilding trust and healing relationships. During recovery, the process leaves a trail of broken promises, trust, strained connections, and hurt feelings. Thus, it is essential to consider these issues and resolve them within the right frame.

Impact on relationships

Addiction to marijuana hampers an individual prone to such addiction, but it also affects the people around them. People like family, friends, peers, and partners are highly involved in the process and are affected in one way or another. Common issues identified are-

  • The trust of the people is broken as a deposit promising not to consume; consistent consumption of marijuana can erode the trust. It makes a loved one feel betrayed or deceived.
  • Emotional distance occurs between the addict and loved ones as the individual is more focused on consuming marijuana rather than nurturing relationships.
  • Sustaining addiction leads to financial costs, and the expenses can lead to high stress and conflict among people, hampering their relationships.
  • Fulfilling family, social, and professional responsibilities becomes secondary to the addiction, causing disappointment and frustration among loved ones.
  • The change in mood swings and erratic behavior of individuals leads to sour relationships and increases the chance of dissension and arguments.

Steps to Overcome Issues

Relationship issues can only be resolved through effort, patience, communication, and honesty. Various steps to overcome these issues are-

  • The first and foremost step essential is to take full responsibility for the actions and behavior taken up due to addiction. Acknowledging the damage or pain caused to loved ones due to addiction is paramount for Rebuilding Trust and Healing Relationships.
  • Another step undertaken is open communication. Being transparent with people and understanding their feelings, emotions, and pain can also be beneficial.
  • Part of the healing process involves making amends. This can be through direct apologies and actions demonstrating a commitment to change. It’s important to understand that amends should be made with sincerity and a genuine intention to repair the relationship.
  • Moreover, setting boundaries or limitations with loved ones could help recover in a structured environment, preventing distressing behavior.
  • In addition, family therapy, counseling, and consistent action could help you better address safety issues. They can guide you on the right path and help you understand difficult conversations.

Healing relationships

Healing relationships are essential for developing and rebuilding trust essential for making relations better, healthier, and stronger. Tactics for healing relationships are-

  1. Developing Empathy: Both the recovering individual and their loved ones should work on developing empathy. Understanding each other’s perspectives and feelings can foster compassion and reduce resentment.
  2. Re-establishing Connections: Spend quality time together to rebuild emotional bonds. Engage in activities that promote positive interactions and shared experiences.
  3. Supporting Each Other: Recovery is a collective effort. Loved ones can support the individual by encouraging healthy habits and being there during difficult times. Similarly, the recovering individual should also support their loved ones and acknowledge their efforts and sacrifices.
  4. Focusing on the Present: While it’s important to address past issues, it’s equally crucial to focus on the present and future. Set common goals and work towards them together.
  5. Practicing Forgiveness: Forgiveness is a key component of healing. This doesn’t mean forgetting the past but rather letting go of the resentment and anger associated with it. Both parties should work towards forgiving each other and themselves.

The Role of Therapy in Healing

Various therapy plays a pivotal role in rebuilding trust and healing relationships, such as-

Family therapy involves the entire family in the recovery process, which helps address issues systematically and improve communication.

Couple therapy- Couples therapy helps address the issues within their relationships or partnerships, fostering stronger and healthier bonds.

Individual therapy- It involves addressing personal issues by understanding personal experiences and feelings associated with marijuana addiction.

Group therapy- Group therapy enables an individual to be with the support of family or community to share a similar level of understanding. It is effective in the healing process.

Concluding note:

The aftermath of marijuana addiction can leave relationships in tatters, but with dedication, openness, and mutual effort, it’s possible to rebuild trust and heal. The journey involves acknowledging past harms, maintaining consistent and honest communication, making sincere amends, and fostering a supportive environment. Therapy can provide invaluable guidance and support throughout this process. While the path to healing is challenging, the rewards of restored trust and deepened connections make the journey worthwhile. Ultimately, the resilience and strength developed through this process can lead to healthier, more fulfilling relationships and a more robust foundation for sustained recovery.