Addiction and Sleep: Overcoming Insomnia in Recovery

by | Aug 26, 2024 | 0 comments

Sleeping is a fundamental and most pivotal common component of general health!!!!

Instead of becoming a night owl, sleep like a baby!!!!

You might have heard often from your elders, “Sleeping is the best medicine.” You might be surprised to know that they were right, and in the case of recovery, it is a bitter truth. As we know, bitter truths are hard to swallow but need to be swallowed. You need to sleep on time and get enough sleep, or else it will rob you of energy while weakening your immune system. If you recover both physically and mentally, you need to get proper sleep, or your recovery slows down and can also lead to ill effects.

Understanding the Connection Between Addiction and Sleep

Insomnia and addiction share a bidirectional relationship with each other.  The expression denotes that not only can addiction lead to poor sleep, but poor sleep can also exacerbate addiction problems. Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that affects the ability to fall asleep or stay asleep or causes a person to wake up too early and not be able to return to sleep. People with insomnia struggle to sleep properly even if they have enough time and space to sleep and give rest to their minds. Inadequate sleeping patterns lead to daytime fatigue, reduced energy levels, mood disturbances, and decreased performance at workstations. Here’s a deeper look at how this relationship unfolds:

1. Impact of Addiction on Sleep

People consuming different substances, such as alcohol, drugs, and even caffeine, disturbs their sleeping patterns. Lets

Substance abuse, including alcohol, drugs, and even caffeine, can severely disrupt sleep patterns. Here’s how different substances affect sleep:

  • Alcohol: While alcohol might initially make you drowsy, it significantly disrupts the sleep cycle. It can reduce REM sleep and lead to fragmented sleep patterns, causing poor quality sleep and frequent awakenings during the night.
  • Stimulants (e.g., cocaine, methamphetamine): These drugs can cause insomnia and reduce the overall duration of sleep. They also delay the onset of sleep and decrease the amount of restorative slow-wave sleep.
  • Opioids: These can lead to sleep apnea, where breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. Opioids also affect the sleep architecture, often resulting in less restorative sleep.
  • Caffeine: Caffeine is a stimulant that delays sleep onset and reduces total sleep time, especially if consumed in the hours before bedtime.

Chronic sleep deprivation caused by substance abuse can lead to a range of health issues, including cognitive impairments, mood disorders, and weakened immune function.

2. Impact of Sleep Disorders on Addiction

Conversely, sleep disorders can increase the risk of substance abuse and complicate addiction recovery. Poor sleep can contribute to:

  • Increased Craving and Relapse: people who are prone of insomnia experience heightened cravings from substance use such as alcohol and drugs as a source of self-medication. They ensure that this helps in incorporating with sleep disturbances. This can increase the risk of relapse in those recovering from addiction.
  • Impaired Decision-Making: Your decision-making abilities are affected by improper sleep, which impairs your cognitive functions. You are more prone to poor judgement for the situation and carry risky behavior, which also includes substance use.
  • Emotional Instability: lack of sleep affects your emotional intelligence, emotional stability, and emotional regulation.  It makes an individual more susceptible to various issues such as depression, anxiety, and stress. Such factors act as a triggering point for an individual and worsen substance use.

Strategies to cope with both insomnia and Addiction

You need to undertake various strategies and adopt practices for coping up with both addiction and insomnia. It is difficult to recover from both situations easily as both of them hinder the recovery of each other. Insomnia generally takes 5 times faster among people prone to drug usage or its intake. The dual diagnosis of both insomnia and addiction is a challenging situation, having several complications alongside.

At Bliss Recovery, overcoming insomnia is a crucial and important aspect of recovery, which made use develop strategies to do the same. Let’s have a look at those strategies or practices-

Establish a Consistent Sleep Schedule: maintaining your sleep schedule or scheduling it helps in regulating the internal clock of body. Having consistency in your sleeping patterns reinforces sleep quality and improves time management.

Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine: You need to indulge yourself in calming activities such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing mindfulness meditation. It signals your body that it’s time to relax your mind and body. It is advised to avoid electronic devices or getting engaged into intense or stressful discussion just before your bedtime.

Optimize Your Sleep Environment: Having a good environment or being surrounded by a positive environment also improves sleep quality. Try to keep your bedroom dark, cool, and quiet while ensuring comfort with a bed and pillow. It will make a substantial difference in your sleep without getting disturbed or discomfort.

Limit Caffeine and Alcohol Intake: you need to limit your intake of coffee and alcohol as it disrupts your sleep cycle while having a poorer sleep routine. Caffeine, a stimulant, can keep you awake if consumed later in the day. Thus, you need to focus on eliminating or reducing the intake of these items, especially in the hours heading toward bedtime.

Engage in Regular Physical Activity: keeping yourself involved in regular exercise helps in promoting a better sleep schedule while regulating sleeping patterns. Try to do moderate exercise while avoiding vigorous exercises for around 30 minutes before or close to time to have a relaxing sleep.

Practice Stress Management Techniques: stress and anxiety are the factors affects the sleeping patterns ta large. It is important to balance both with the techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), deep breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation. It is helpful for reducing emotional and mental stress impacting the sleep. Thus, try to keep yourself away from anxiety or stress for better sleeping patterns.

Seek Professional Help: Despite doing these practices or opting for these strategies, you not able to overcome insomnia; you need professional help. Getting professional assistance will help in recovering faster than you can do by yourself.

At Bliss Recovery, we offer comprehensive support, including therapy and medical interventions tailored to your needs. Our team can work with you to address both the psychological and physiological aspects of sleep disturbances.


Overcoming insomnia in recovery is a significant challenge, but it is one that can be addressed with the right strategies and support. At Bliss Recovery in California, we are dedicated to helping individuals achieve not only sobriety but also a restful and restorative sleep. By focusing on healthy sleep habits, managing stress, and seeking professional guidance, you can improve your sleep quality and enhance your overall recovery experience.

Remember, recovery is a journey, and addressing sleep disturbances is a critical step towards a healthier, more balanced life. Embrace the process, and know that with the right tools and support, you can overcome insomnia and continue on your path to wellness.