What Are The Symptoms And Warning Signs Of Alcoholism?

by | May 31, 2024 | 0 comments

In an era where many face significant challenges, alcohol often appears to be a refuge. However, increasing reliance on alcohol can lead to severe and devastating issues. It’s crucial to recognize the signs and symptoms of alcoholism before it affects your loved ones. This article will help you understand the warning signs and consequences of alcoholism. This article can help you to know the signs and symptoms and the consequences of alcoholism.

What is alcoholism?

The term alcoholism is used to define the most severe sign of drinking problem that is affecting the lives of people. In California only, the death rate per 1 million people is 9.9, which is equivalent to 1069, and the reason is alcohol. Out of that number, 113 of the fatalities are people under the age of 21. Medically, it is also known as Alcohol misuse, Alcohol dependence, and Alcohol Use Disorder. Moreover, three main factors are linked with the diseases that occur due to alcohol and include mental obsession, physical allergy, and spiritual malady.

Difference between Binge drinking and Alcoholism

According to the National Institute on alcohol abuse and Alcoholism, binge drinking is defined as the episodes of drinking in a person that increases the blood alcohol concentration to 0.08%. Or considered as if the person started to drink 4 to 5 drinks in about 2 hours, then there might be chances that the person is slowly becoming a binge drinker. The person began to engage in alcoholic groups frequently, and this pattern shows signs of binge drinking.

On the other side, Alcoholism is a form of a long-term pattern of a person consuming alcohol. Because of this, they are unable to control themselves without drinking.

Excuses behind consuming alcohol

Influence of Environment

Our initial attitudes toward our surroundings can seem harmless but often lead to significant issues. Alcohol is a prime example, especially among teenagers. In their quest for social acceptance and “coolness,” teens often start drinking at a young age, which can develop into a lifelong habit.

Escaping Reality

Many people turn to alcohol for its short-term euphoric effects and as an escape from reality. The chemical reactions induced by alcohol often create a temporary feeling of happiness. Instead of engaging in productive hobbies or addressing their problems, individuals fall into a pattern of drinking. This false sense of happiness fuels their habit, making it difficult to recognize when they’ve developed a dependency.

Coping with Depression and Anxiety

For some, alcohol becomes a form of self-medication for depression and anxiety. Research by the American Addiction Centers reveals a bidirectional relationship between depression and alcohol use disorder, meaning they often coexist and exacerbate each other. Many individuals dealing with anxiety, stress, or depression turn to alcohol, mistakenly believing it to be a solution, which ultimately worsens their condition.

What are early signs of alcoholism

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V-TR), several factors contribute to the development of the likelihood of alcohol use disorder.

  • Struggling to control alcohol consumption
  • Prioritizing alcohol over friends
  • Enjoy being in an environment with frequent alcohol use
  • Early drinking habits
  • Experiencing a traumatic event

Additionally, the DSM-5– diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders classifies mental disorders by the health professionals of the US. As per DSM-5, the following listed behaviors and symptoms are some of the common early stages of alcoholism.

  • Finding reasons to drink alcohol
  • Engaging in unhealthy drinking
  • Engaging in conflicts between friends and family over alcohol

Alarming signs of alcoholism

It’s crucial to recognize the warning signs of alcoholism in a family member. If you notice any of the following symptoms, it’s time to seek treatment:

  • Inability to Control Drinking: The person cannot control their urge to drink alcohol.
  • Hallucinations: They start to experience hallucinations.
  • Blackouts and Memory Loss: Frequent blackouts, memory loss, and in severe cases, seizures.
  • Hiding Alcohol: They begin to store alcohol in secret places.
  • Conflict with Family: They become combative when confronted about their drinking.
  • Significant Weight Loss: The person loses a significant amount of weight and prefers drinking over eating.
  • Physical Symptoms: Noticeable physical changes such as nausea, sweating, shaking, convulsions, and vomiting.
  • Recognizing these signs is essential for early intervention and effective treatment.

Consequences of alcoholism

  • Brain: Due to the continuous consumption of alcohol, it interferes with the communication pathways and can affect the way that the brain works. Sudden mood changes, behaviors, irritation, inability to think clearly, and forgetting things are the signs that show the opposing sides of alcohol.
  • Liver: Heavy drinking can take a toll on the liver by creating issues like alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, fibrosis, fatty liver, and steatosis.
  • Heart: The heart is a soft muscle of the body, and due to excessive drinking of alcohol can damage the heart. Storke, high blood pressure, cardiomyopathy (stretching and dropping heart muscles), etc., are common issues.
  • Pancreas: Alcohol contamination can develop toxic substances that create inflammation in the pancreas, which can cause swelling and pain. Because of these issues, the pancreas cannot make hormones and enzymes, which can lead to extreme digestion issues.
  • Immune system: Even drinking some amount of alcohol can be left out of the system after 24 hours of consumption. Suppose the person is continuously binge drinking or becomes an alcoholic. In that case, their immune system doesn’t get the time to recover, and this causes long-term issues by weakening the immune system.   

These are some of the problems, but in severe cases, Cancer-like diseases can happen. According to the National Cancer Institute, those who drink one drink per day are at high risk of Cancer. Every year, people get affected by Cancer, and the major reason that comes out is alcohol. These cancers are around the neck, head, oral cavity, pharynx, or larynx. When it comes to women they are at high risk of breast cancer due to alcohol.

The consequences of alcoholism need to be understood by people because the number of teenagers drinking has continuously increased over the last several decades. Adolescents are unable to recognize the changes in the body due to alcohol and its long-lasting complications. Family and friends must take responsibility into their own hands and comprehend the behavioral, environmental, and physical factors. This is the only way to keep loved ones from getting affected by the consumption of alcohol.

When to see a doctor

If you feel that you or any of the people around you have started to drink more alcohol than usual, then this is a simple indication that shows that the person becomes inclined toward this habit. Before the condition worsens, treating it on time is better. Even if it worsens, it is always good to consult with professionals. Bliss Recovery is one of the rehab centers that help people overcome alcoholism.

Getting help from a mental health professional is the best solution one can ever get. Usually, addicts deny their situation, which reflects their willingness to not become better. Listen to friends, family, or co-workers, even if it is you.


  • Here are some treatments that alcoholics should consider:
  • Medications: After a thorough checkup and lifestyle recommendations from a doctor, starting medication is crucial. The prescribed medicines and their dosages can help patients manage their alcohol use disorder effectively.
  • Support Groups: Identifying the reasons behind the drinking is essential before taking further steps. Support groups consist of individuals who have faced similar struggles and have successfully recovered. These groups provide moral support, emotional encouragement, and a safe space to share personal experiences and reasons for drinking.
  • Psychological Counseling: For those who are introverted or uncomfortable with group settings, individual counseling and therapy can be beneficial. Psychologists often use treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help alcoholics address their fears and change negative behavior patterns.
  • Detoxification: Detox programs are vital for clearing the body of toxins. Family and friends should support their loved ones by encouraging participation in these inpatient treatments, which are supervised by professionals to ensure safe detoxification.

By combining these treatments, individuals can find comprehensive support to overcome alcoholism and start their journey toward recovery.

Concluding note

No matter what the situation is, alcoholics or their loved ones need to consult with professionals. Drinking alcohol to run away from situations or problems is not the solution. Thousands of people die because of the symptoms and warning signs of alcoholism. Contact Bliss Recovery for more information and ways to help you or your loved one.



