Top 5 Signs of Cocaine Addiction

by | Apr 19, 2024 | 0 comments


Initially, cocaine stimulates the nervous system, inducing heightened focus, attention, and energy. However, as the drug takes control, it triggers feelings of depression, lethargy, weakness, and irritability, and disrupts interactions with others. The addictive nature of cocaine brings about dramatic changes in both mind and behavior, devastating the individual’s life. Once someone starts using it, turning back becomes increasingly difficult. Los Angeles has experienced a significant cocaine boom, with many individuals opting for this destructive substance. Factors such as population growth, stress, and anxiety contribute to the rising prevalence of cocaine use. The demand for cocaine increased by 30% in 2020, reaching its peak level.

Change in Appearance

Frequent cocaine use or addiction leads to the loss of grey matter in the body, accelerating the aging process. Individuals may age more rapidly than those abstaining from substances. Additionally, signs such as decreased appetite, weight loss, pale and clammy skin, and dilated pupils indicate unhealthy substance use. Cocaine use in the form of injections can result in acne breakouts and scars that don’t heal properly. Snorting cocaine can damage the sense of smell, cause frequent nosebleeds, and eventually lead to cartilage damage in the nose. Similar to stress, cocaine use can lead to hair loss and baldness, as it interferes with the absorption of essential nutrients.

Behavioral Changes

Experiencing extreme joy without cause may seem unusual. However, if it persists, friends and family should be more aware of the situation. Cocaine induces intense euphoria and hyperactivity, making it difficult for addicts to remain still. Once addicted, individuals find it challenging to stop, experiencing sensations of bugs crawling under their skin, leading to incessant scratching and abnormal behavior. The surge in happiness also results in intense mood swings, oscillating between happiness and irritability. It’s crucial not to blame, but to seek help for loved ones. Bliss Recovery notes that cocaine addiction often leads to intense cravings and an inability to control one’s mind and body, manifesting in drug-seeking behavior.

Health Complications

The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports a 54% increase in cocaine-related deaths in 2021. Cocaine poses long-term health risks, including heart damage, a heightened risk of heart attacks, cardiovascular complications, chronic diseases, lung damage, and breathing difficulties. Overdosing on cocaine can lead to neurological issues such as memory loss, poor focus, impaired decision-making, and diminished motor function. Strokes, seizures, and brain hemorrhages are also possible. Cocaine directly affects a person’s psychological and social capabilities, leading to habituation. While initially pleasurable, cocaine eventually damages health and abilities irreversibly, often necessitating rehab.

Psychological Changes

Between 68% to 84% of cocaine addicts develop psychotic symptoms like hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia, affecting cognitive function and family dynamics. Hair plucking, skin scratching, and aggression are common symptoms among cocaine addicts. As cocaine takes its toll on the mind and health, addicts undergo a complete personality transformation, struggling to comprehend their experiences. Some develop severe sleep or eating disorders and struggle to perform daily activities.

Emotional Instability

Cocaine interferes with the brain’s reward system, triggering elevated dopamine levels and feelings of happiness. However, once addicted, individuals find it hard to revert to normalcy. Americans top the charts for cocaine consumption, with 11.35 million users, and this number continues to rise. Frequent mood swings, anxiety, depression, and altered personalities indicate unhealthy lifestyles. Addicts often use cocaine to manage emotions, unaware of its manipulative effects on their feelings.

Seeking Help

If someone you know exhibits signs of substance addiction, offer assistance. Rehab centers like Bliss Recovery provide comprehensive treatment and emotional support, aiming for a healthier world. Everyone deserves a fulfilling life; reach out to them for more information.